How To Get Your Baby To Sleep Through The Night (In Just TWO Years).

sleep train

Spend the first six months of parenthood in your pyjamas trying to get your baby to sleep, trying to get some sleep and trying to get stuff done on barely any sleep.

Establish a good bedtime routine. This is key to everything. Babies like to know exactly what to expect. So that they can do the exact opposite.

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How to survive two under two on barely any sleep

2under2IT is no secret that as a new mum of ONE baby I struggled.  My baby did not like to sleep so I was tired. Very tired.

Then, just when I thought (in a Greg Wallace voice) parenting just doesn’t get tougher than this…baby two arrived eighteen months later….and I realised that actually yes, it really does..

If you are considering a second child then here are a few tips!!
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SURVIVOR STORY: How to Land Your Dream Job When You Have Babies

Early motherhood was not easy for 31-year-old Ruth Herd. She battled with postnatal depression for a year before she was diagnosed and her nap-hating baby could be very demanding. However, here she tells us how she overcame all of it and (literally) landed her dream job!

FB_IMG_1426158253954“I was recently making another futile attempt to bring some order to the chaos that is the spare room (AKA the place where unwanted things go to die) and I stumbled across a notebook. It was one of the many beautiful notebooks that I buy, scribble three pages in, and then discard because I ‘ruined’ them by trying to use them for something that turned out not to be the Next Great Novel. Continue reading

NEWS LEAK OF THE WEEK: Women to give birth at work

Welcome to a new feature called News Leaks – in which I report on the latest parenting news from across the UK (make stuff up for my own amusement). 

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PREGNANT employees to give birth at work under a new Government scheme.

Female staff will be now be expected to have their babies in the office with the help of specially appointed first aiders.

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post bodyIF you have just given birth it is very likely that ‘losing the baby weight’ is the last thing on your mind.

I think speak for a lot of new mums when I say we simply do NOT give a damn whether we will ever fit into our skinny jeans again. We are more worried about whether we will ever have time to get dressed again.

Besides, the very best way to lose those extra pounds is simply to have the baby!

imagesTo read my guide on how to lose your baby weight without even trying or caring feel free to head over to Metro UK by clicking here!

Did you give a toss about your post baby body?  Join me for a chat on Facebook or Twitter or sign up for delightful emails full of useless advice!!

How to Lose Friends and Irritate People When You Have Babies

lose 2When you first have a baby your friends are great. They come to see you with bucket loads of cuddly toys and coo over your bundle of joy. They will offer to babysit ‘whenever you need a break’ and refer to themselves as Aunty/Uncle….

Enjoy this for about three weeks.

Then the honeymoon is well and truly over. Continue reading